If you are a SCTA member and would like to advertise used equipment or other items for sale or swap, please e-mail the business office with a concise description, price and complete contact information. If possible, include a .jpeg picture file. Items offered will be considered a "one time sale".

Items will list for approximately three (3) months then be removed. If your items have not sold or swapped and you wish to continue the placement, contact the executive secretary.

Advertising for dealerships, nursery items or any industry related service, equipment or product may be placed in our the association's quarterly newsletter or on our appropriate webpage for a fee.
The Southern Christmas Tree Association
Items for Sale or Swap
For Sale: ?
1) 800 potted trees, various sizes, couple years old and very healthy. Call Grace or Joe Pepper 318-387-5172, Pepper Christmas Tree Farm, West Monroe, Louisiana (posted 10/01/2020, remove 01/01/2021).

For Swap: ?